Backyard BBQ Whole Barra

Whole Barramundi with Ginger, Lemon and Chilli Jam on the BBQ

Barra, Simple and Easy

As soon Summer hits and the nights are warm, there’s nothing like firing up the BBQ right? Well give this fella a run on your hot plate… you could even do it in the oven if the Backyard or Barbee is to no avail.

  • Get down to your nearest Fisho and Grab a Whole Barra, then stop by the fruit and veg fella and grab yourself a knuckle of Ginger, 1 chilli and a lemon or two.
  • Take them home, squeeze your lemons then chop up your Ginger and Chilli.
  • Fire up the BBQ so that the plate is at a med to high heat.
  • Now Grab a couple of lengths of foil and some grease proof or baking paper. Lay the foil down on the bench double layered and then put the paper on top
  • Unwrap that sucker and lay him flat on the foil and grease proof, then make a bit of a boat to stop any liquid from spilling away.
  • Pour your lemon juice evenly over the fish and season it up with some salt and pepper, sprinkle the ginger and chilli over the top and wrap that bad boy up
  • Throw him on the BBQ at medium heat for around 20-30min[1-2kg] dependent on how big the Barra is.

No need to turn the package over… the juice will spill all over the joint.

Finally grab a couple of coldies and dig in with the crew. Enjoy!